Survivor Mil Spec iPad Case

I got the Survivor mil spec iPad case as a birthday gift some years ago. This product is built to military specifications to withstand the harshest of conditions, like my bedroom floor!

By now, I am pretty sure both of my dogs have trampled across my iPad. Although it isn’t such a big deal for the 20lb Shih-tzu, my 50lb Pit Bull mix is another matter.They haven’t used it as a chew toy just yet, but I’m confident that the Survivor case could handle it.

I’ve had it for a few years at this point, and while it’s age is starting to show, I dropped it the other day and the iPad is still kicking.

I’ve put this product through the ringer. Taking it on trips to my fathers house (who has a much larger German Shepherd, he feeds it way too much). Also as in flight entertainment across the country. I even checked the Survivor Mil Spec iPad Case once. Despite the “delicate” handling of airline employees, it remained unscathed. I haven’t submerged it in the waters of Hawaii to take pictures of sea turtles yet. However, I have spilled my fair share of drinks, alcoholic and otherwise, on the case with no ill effect.

The Bad

The only qualm I have with the Survivor mil spec iPad case is the stand. It finally gave out last year. Replacing the stand was not a priority. I can either hold the pad or prop it up against something, like the back of an airline seat. I would recommend this product if it fits your current pad, and when I finally upgrade to a new iPad myself I plan on getting something to outfit my new toy.

If this doesn’t satisfy your tech needs, you can also check out the Etekcity Electric Shiatsu Massager

There’s also options for other models of iPad’s like the iPad Pro or the iPad Mini.

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